Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Absolutamente.... no

Alright, I know there are pictures below and you're probably itching to skip the reading and scroll down to the pictures. Lazy people. It's ok, today is going to be short.

Today was basically the same thing as yesterday, except that this time I did manage a decisive victory over El Bosque. Yeah baby. So I've spent the last two days and will spend the next three in basically the same way. I leave the house a little bit before 8, fight with the buses and start Spanish class around 8:30. I then spend 8:30 to 10:30 in a little room learning Spanish. I get a half hour break for pandulce and coffee, then I continue learning Spanish from 11 to 1:30. It's a long day. I sit in my little room with my maestro, Santiago. He thinks he's funny, but I don't because it's usually at my expense. As we sit in our little room, he makes me go over preterit and imperfect and irregular verbs and blah blah blah. And every time I get something wrong he says "absolutamente" then he pauses, and says "no". So the first time he did it, I thought that I was absolutely correct. Turns out I was absolutely wrong. I've grown to dread the word "absolutamente." Other times, when I'm almost right, he's say "posible.." then the pause... then "pero, no." So maybe, but no. I spend all 5 hours of my daily Spanish marathon trying to avoid these Spanish language landmines. Usually not with very much success... However, the good news is that I seem to be funny in Spanish too. The question is, whether people are laughing at me or with me...

In other news, Cesar and Patricia and their kids returned from Colombia last night. I've been staying in their house since I arrived, but they haven't been here. They've been very, very welcoming and I already really like them. It's also so nice to have other people in the house instead of being here alone with the dog. Although, I do love the dog. Her name is Nice, and it's pretty accurate.

Anyway, without further ado I'll give you some pictures. Although I have to apologize because they really aren't that great. I'll try to do better later... I fought with the formatting for a while but I gave up, so sorry that they're spread out like that. They're both pictures of the view from a park near where I'm staying right now.


  1. I'm so glad you like your host family. What a blessing!

  2. the pictures are not bad, and... wow! look at all that green!!! amazing. In Kansas we have an aweful lot of browns... a bit jealous! :)

  3. Thank God for Pandulce, that's what I say!
