Sunday, March 22, 2009

Things I Love... Things I Miss..

Things I Love About Ecuador:

-warm bread from a panaderia
-kisses on the cheek instead of handshakes
-25 cents for buses
-dancing salsa
-my friends
-riding in the back of pick-up trucks
-avocados that are always in season
-cheap flowers
-$2 manicures

Things I Miss:
-reasonably priced bath and beauty products
-my friends and fam
-front porch sitting
-reliably hot showers
-north american time
-reliable internet
-good cheeseburgers
-if you're reading this, I probably miss YOU!


  1. Things I miss about Sassy while she is in Ecuador:
    -her wisdom when helping me make a bath and beauty product purchase
    -having starbucks with her whenever we are in the same state
    -her kindness and compassion for others
    -eating pizza with her
    -being part of the catalyst
    -she CRACKS ME UP!

    Things I don't miss about Sassy while she's in Ecuador:

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. hola chica! so i have to admit that i can rarely check out your blog for fear of massive attacks of nostalgia, but i saw this list and had to say, te entiendo! it sounded so familiar i had to go back to my ecuablog and found this:
    (ah, i deleted my first attempt at this post to try to make this post as a link, but i can't figure it out)

    pero, bueno-- i love ba~nos tambien! hope you're having an amazing time, y cuidate mucho. ecuabesos

  4. I miss Sassy as well. 51 days.

  5. you forgot taco bell, big gulp.
