Saturday, January 17, 2009

The Things a Girl (specifically THIS girl) Will Do For a Pizza

Today, I had a craving for American pizza. And actually, all the major chains are here in Quito. Sadly, I still don't really have much of a friend base so I didn't really want to go out to eat. However, I am a big fan of the delivery. Especially when you can order online and avoid having to talk to anyone on the phone. Unfortunately, you can't order online in Ecuador. So I resigned myself to calling it in. Unfortunately, there is some trick to calling a landline from a cellular phone that I hadn't yet figured out. I tried what seemed like every combination of ways to dial the number to no avail. Meanwhile, I was google searching to see if I could find the trick. The other glitch was that my internet kept going off and on while I was involved in this exercise. Finally, a found the trick and called Papa John's. And then it turned out that you can't order a pizza unless you have a landline number to give them, and I only had my cell phone.

At this point, I decided to walk around the neighborhood and see what I could find to eat. The thing that makes this tricky is that it's really not safe to be walking after dark in Quito so I had to find something to eat and get it back to my house within about half an hour before it got dark. As I was walking, I saw a restaurant called "Colombia Pizza." Thinking that this restaurant probably had pizza, I went in and asked for pizza only to find that they don't serve pizza, only hamburgers and hotdogs. So I gave up my search for pizza, ordered a cheeseburger and called it a night. And to top off the whole thing, my call to the Papa John's used up all the minutes I had on my cell phone (calling a landline is much more expensive than calling another cell phone.) At least now I know!

In other news, I went to Riobamba this weekend with Cesar and Paty to visit Don and Jan Rheinheimer. They are a couple, also with MMN, that is trying to start a Mennonite Church in Riobamba. It was a really interesting experience. It was my first time outside of Quito. The drive was pretty interesting. There are a lot of little towns along the way that are pretty depressing, but also some really gorgeous scenery (I forgot my camera, sorry!). It was also really interesting to hear about the challenges that they're having with their work and put my own challenges in perspective.

Next week I'll start teaching English at Hazel McCallion school and start visiting the refugee families with Trish. I think it will be a pretty busy week, but will probably set the standard for how busy my weeks will generally be. I definitely won't have a 9-5 job, but rather I'll kind of have a hodge-podge of different responsibilities that happen on different days at different times. I've never really had a job like that so I don't know whether I'll like it or not. I guess we'll find out!

1 comment:

  1. I wish I could send you a Papa Johns Pizza!! I hope the cheeseburger was good.
