Thursday, May 13, 2010

La Gringa Vuelva!

After a bit of consideration, I have decided to resurrect my blog given that I'm headed back to Ecuador next week. Lucky you!

This time I'm going to be attempting to start an HIV prevention program in a small (think 600 people) town on the coast. So picture me, straight-laced Mennonite that I am, explaining safe sex to a room full of teenagers. In Spanish. In a community where sexual education is about as foreign as eating guinea pigs. Well, actually eating guinea pigs isn't that foreign to them. But it seemed like a good comparison at the time.

I'll only be there for three months this time before heading back to the insanity of grad school. Three months of beach livin' for college credit? Yes, please. Who wouldn't take on sex ed under those circumstances?

So stay tuned to the adventures of your favorite gringa. I anticipate lots of things getting lost in translation, which is always funny... although not always at the time.

1 comment:

  1. Oh wow, I'm so excited to hear about how this all goes! You're so brave. I feel your pain, kinda. I had to explain how HIV is transmitted to a Mennonite youth group while I worked for TIHAN in Tucson, AZ. So I take the awkwardness of that, add spanish and wow, you're amazing.
